Brushing the tears aside, it was all very simple. The most annoying thing was that they were running an hour late (due to one of the testing staff going for a coffee & never coming back. Having been in that office I can understand why). No big deal. It left me, my knitting & the Foo Fighters to catch up on some quality time in the car park. Having knitting with you means never having to be angry about waiting in queues again :)
For those about to take the California practical drivers test, please note: the most difficult thing you will be asked to do (apart from the obvious necessities of being able to drive your car & avoid crashing) is reverse backward for about 20 meters. That's pretty much it. Hmmm, oh, & know the hand signals. But that really is it. Really.
I got marked down twice for the same thing - but I guessed by the laughter coming from the instructor at the end of my test when she said "Of course, you passed", that these were insignificant things. And the were. I didn't look down 2 side streets for long enough. Fair enough. I get the impression they are reluctant to give anyone full marks lest it give them an enormous confidence boost that ends up with pedestrians being hospitalised.
So, the Subie & I are now in an official kind of relationship together, rather than the illicit kind of thing we had going on earlier. I doubt whether MOTH (Man of the house) will mind. He's open minded in this sort of area.
Here is my chariot on our semi recent trip beyond the High Sierras.
And, if it weren't raining, I would have taken pictures of Los Gatos for you. It really is the most lovely town centre (not the bit that the DMV is in, the bit they hide from the tourists). Well, I have to save something for another day, dont I?
NOTE: It has since been pointed out to me that it is an entirely American trait to hate the DMV. That it is instilled in American youth & the feeling only grows stronger over the years.This has made me realise I am assimilating alot more succesfully the I first thought. Yah for me.
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