02 April, 2006

Waterloo to City line - get your anorak out

We have non-officially joined the ranks of the trainspotters (although we are quite sad having only taken ourselves & a camera, when many were there with flasks, portable chairs & picnic hampers et al)

This weekend we went to watch the carriages of the Waterloo to City line be removed from Waterloo. They closed down Bayliss Road & took them out one by one & loaded them onto semi trailers to be taken to Derby to be worked on. It was interesting to see the huge cranes in action - & as one enthusiastic trainspotter pointed out "It's such a treat to see a carriage from the underside"

The entire Waterloo to City line has been closed down until September 2006 as they are replacing all the track & replairing the carriages. I believe it is one of the oldest lines at 107 years old so it could probably do with a good refurb. This will probably cause untold havok on the already stretched to capacity Northern & Bakerloo lines which will pick up the 40,000 passengers a day that cant take the W - C line.

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