01 April, 2006

Rolling in the filthy lucre

My pay has arrived - & as predicted I have done nothing that I intended to with it. Instead I have crafted a budget & financial plan that should take us well in to the next century! I was sitting at my laptop rubbing my hands together like momma Scrooge when I tallied up the amount of money I could save if I stuck to this amazing budget. Of course, it means I will have no sparepennies until my dying day, so the newly formed budget will be coming under some revision.

Saving money is like dieting or not swearing. It's a habit that takes a while to establish - there are some moments of faultering at the beginning, a bit of irrational moaning & complaining about how hard life is, & then you hit your stride. You work out you can have salad everyday for lunch & you wont die of malnutrition, you realise you can go more than half a sentence without dropping the "f-bomb" & still be able to communicate, & you find that living off 50 pounds a weeks is doable if you adjust your definition of "living" & strip life back to it's bare essentials.

The essentials, however, dont always bring you much joy - & they certainly dont make for good stories (or memories for that matter). I can imagine a day when I tell a wide-eyed, interested friend a story about how I failed to make it to a series of world famous sights because "I was participating in a kickarse budget" & they stare at me blankly & then slowly stop returning my phone calls. The truth is, saving & having new & interesting experiences in a foriegn land rarely sit well together so it's time I let go of the need to squirrel away cash like a squirrel preparing for winter. This summer seems like a perfect time to break free of this.

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