21 April, 2006

So many jobs, so little time

Kynan is in the process of applying for 2 jobs at the moment.One in London & one in the US. Today he went off to his second interview for the London job. It was the most gurelling interview I have ever heard of. It lasted for 5 1/2 hours (!) & had him going over his cv with a fine toothed comb with 4 different sets of interviewers. The question ranged from highly technical (this was the majority of the questions) to questions like "Which Charlie & the Chocolate factory movie did you like better? The old one or the new one & why?"

I think he really impressed them by working out a cryptic message written in Binary on some artwork in one of the interview rooms. People who know Kynan will find this funny & entirely typical.

I hope he gets offered at least one of the jobs, if not both of them. He has worked in a job that he really hates for the past year. He has worked 6-7 days weeks for most of this time & it was all to get us ahead on our mortgage. I think he really deserves to get a challenging & interesting job for the rest of the time we are away. So fingers crossed for Kyn.

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