23 April, 2006

Get thee to Ikea

Our mate Jason is back in the country and to celebrate his return he came down to London for an evening of fun and frivolity. I celebrated by making him take me out to the enormous Ikea in Croydon! I had a small list of things I wanted to get - but was mostly interested in getting us some chairs for the kitchen that didn't have legs that looked like they would break any time soon. Jason enjoyed it more than he expedted (& we're not just talking about the 95p breakfast here) & he walked out of the shop having spent more than £40 more than me! All I heard for the rest of the day was "I am NEVER going shopping with you again!". With Kynans work situation up in the air I am trying to hold off on buying too many things for the place, but if we end up staying in London, then I can see a mega shopping adventure to Ikea coming up. They have awesome value duvet covers, house plants & cushions to die for. Jason would want to be hoping we dont stay in the UK if he wants to avoid another trip to Ikea!

That night, Jason took us out to a resturant called the Blue Elephant, in Fulham Broadway, for dinner. The resturant was amazing. The decor, the staff, the food, Iif I hadn't walked there myself, I would have sworn we were in Thailand. The restruant is chocka with tropucal plants, ther is a river running through it full of Koi fish. It wasn't unitl I got home & Googled it, that I realised it is an international chain resturant. It is the most beautiful restuarant I have been to & I would recommend going to one, if you get a chance. So if you are in London, Moscow, PAris, Lyon, Malta, Beirut, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, Bangkok, Brussels or Copenhagen - get yourself there!

Oh - Kynan also bought a unicycle today. He's wanted it since he saw it last weekend. He was on the hunt for a gift for himslef - a sort of 'good on me for working so hard' gift. Progress reports to be posted once he works out how to get onto it.

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