25 April, 2006

Lest We Forget

This morning we got up at 4am to go to the London ANZAC Day ceremony. There was a pretty good turnout and it was interesting to see a truly ANZAC ceremony (as opposed the Australian ceremony that I'm more used to) - I've never actually heard the New Zealand national anthem before today! It wasn't the quiet ceremony that I'm used to, with all the traffic blocked off around the Australian War Memorial service; this one was at the major intersection that is Hyde Park Corner with buses and taxis and the occasional wailing siren throughout that make a quite a difference to the magpies and cockatoos that accompany the service back home.
The ceremony was considerably more religious than the ones we've had over the last few years in Australia and the "standards" like In Flanders Field and Lest We Forget were, for me, noticeably absent. Also, it seems that candles are not de rigueur over here, so we were the only two that had them.

Kynan & I were the only ones with a thermos & candles for the ceremony.

This evening Kynan had his second interview with the American company he is trying to geta job with. He was less enthusiastic about how this interveiw went compared to the blitzing he felt he gave the initial interviewer. It was much tougher than the first & he was suffering from severe sleep deprivation after the early start we had. Time will tell how well he went but he seems to think that was his last shot & that it didn't go well enough for him to be offered the job.

And, Happy Birthday Grandma XO

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