27 July, 2007

Obesity Problem, who US?

Ha! Get it? See how clever I was with the title? Us...US...aw, forget it.

On display is the bounty that is the average American grocery store (leaving aside the fabulous Whole Foods and Trader Joe's).
From left to right we have peanut butter and chocolate balls, miniature chocolate chip cookies, and Special K laden with genuine chocolate shavings. Who would want to eat porridge when all this shiny faire is on offer?

Since moving to California, trawling around grocery stores has become a fave way to kill half an hour or so. Not being the greedy kind, I forcefully try share the joy with everyone silly enough to come and stay with us. Stop 1 - Costco for the Lilliputian feeling that only Costco can give, Stop 2 - Walgreens, Walmart, Safeway (whichever is closest, because, let's face it, I am usually in a frenzy, rushing around, tugging at elbows, pointing & yelling "See, See, isn't it AMAZING?"), Stop 3 - Whole Foods to drag Americas reputation back from the brink.

I think I might gradually release more of my American Supermarket Snapshots (ASS) onto the blog. But for now I feel my blood sugar levels dropping & need to nip off and find a snack to perk me up.

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