14 April, 2007

Yuris Night - World Space Party 2007

Last night we went of to the Yuri's Night celebrations held at nearby NASA. Yuri's night is the annual event, celebrated around the world, to mark the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's momentous space flight on 12th of April 1961. The date also coincides with the anniversary of the first US Shuttle launch in 1981.

I've got to be honest & tell you that I was just stoked to be on the NASA grounds - stuff the party, just get me close to those enormous hangars!!! From the second we went through the security checkpoint I started squealing like a .... well, like a girl. Kynan did a great job of not looking too nervous as I drove the rest of the way while gesticulating madly & screeching repeatedly "Oh My God - Look how large that hangar is! I wonder what was in there?" "Oh, My God, there's an enormous NASA sign!" "Oh My God, they have their own petrol station - do you think we can get petrol here?" Cant take me anywhere really.

I guess the best way to describe the night would be "interesting, space related talks & demos that gradually turned into a dance party as the night went on". There was an interesting talk by
Anousheh Ansari - the worlds first female space tourist. She trained with the Russians & spent 8 days on the International Space Station. The video that accompanied her presentation was fascinating.

The Lego Car was completely covered by the time we left

There were all types of aircraft around & a telescope set up so we could look at Saturn. Talk by various NASA engineers on various subjects, heaps of organic food available & warm chai that hit the spot (someone didn't take a jumper because she thought the hangar doors would be closed!), then the music started & it turned into a sort of lead up for Burning Man.

Magic 8 ball sort of glowing Buddha - pop in a coin for your fortune

There was a bloke riding around on a terrific bike he had made out of perspex & wired up himself. And a group of people riding around on bikes with what can only be described as a flexible Hills Hoist covered in Christmas tree lights. Have a look for yourself...

A terrific (but cold) night was had. More photos of the night here if you are interested.

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