So I have found the following websites that I am going to try & devote some time to.

This is a project started by Nina Rosenberg in San Francisco, February 2005. It is explained on the website as: - "This project is an art installation that was inspired by the war in Iraq. Its purpose is to spread public awareness, encourage thought, and inspire discussions about war and current events without promoting a specific view. "
She is currently attempting to knit one little red sweater per American death in Iraq, & sadly (in so many ways) unable to keep up with the numbers. I had originally thought to ask if it would be possible to extend this to all deaths that have occured in Iraq since this started, but I am afraid we would need a forrest , rather than one tree.
Anyone who can knit or crochet is encouraged to contribute. Pattern details & postage details are availbale on her website.
The other site I found was The Dulaan Project.
"Dulaan is the Mongolian word for warm. Think of it not just being physically warm, but also the warm heart of human love, and the warm feeling that grows from knowing that you have touched a life, even on the other side of the world. The Dulaan Project is a cooperative effort of Flagstaff International Relief Effort (FIRE), Mossy Cottage Knits, and the Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC) Buddhist community of Sedona. The project seeks to inspire the generous spirit of the knitting community to help meet the urgent needs of Mongolia's impoverished people."
This initiative encourages anyone who can knit or crochet to make hats, mittens, socks, neck gaitor, scarves & sweaters for children 2 - 10. Winter ini Mongolia is extrememly cold & in winter days rarely go above 0c. Nights can be as cold as -40 degrees celsius.
I'm sure there are loads more & I will put them up as I find them. Get crafting!
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