23 February, 2008

Jonathan Coulton Gig

We were lucky enough to get tickets to the JoCo gig in San Francisco last night. We have seen him a couple of times but this was a little different as it was for a recording of his dvd.

It was an awesome night. There were all sorts of extras that made the night all that more special. The venue was the very cool Great American Music Hall, there was additional lighting which made taking photos a much more rewarding experience, the support act was unbelievably good, and there was cake at the end! Seriously, they gave us cake. No concert experience will be as good ever again.

One very unexpected extra was the geeky supergroup that played toward the end. It consisted of Veronica Belmont, JoCo, Merlin Mann and Leo LaPorte and they played guitar hero to "Still Alive" from the very cool game Portal. Getting such well known internet peeps together wouldn't have happened if there weren't a dvd being recorded.

It was an amazing night and an amazingly good concert.

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