Australian friends living in the Bay Area adopted us for the day, which was lovely of them. They have a young son and I was looking forward to seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Although we have many friends with young families, there's aren't any close children relatives that we would usually spend Christmas Day with. In the end, he was a little young for the malarkey I expected. He liked the ribbons, but didn't know what to do with the wrapped presents. He was happy with his Thomas the Tank Engine track and spent the rest of the day rearranging the engines as they steamed around the figure of eight.
If I am honest, I was glad I my expectations of a child crazed Christmas weren't realised. It left us with a calm, relaxing day full of good wine, great food and terrific company.
There was carving (and a little smoke)...
Testing of Kaths rumballs...

Stupendous amounts of Christmas faire (notice the large empty section that was furiously cleared before I remembered to take a picture?)

Pre-hangover Berrocca ingested with Champagne, demonstrating that men can, indeed, multi task.

Homemade Christmas Pudding to finish it all off.
I hope your festivities were just as enjoyable.
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