We decided to use the time to check some more things off the "Must See" list. We kicked things off on Friday night, we went to the Blue Man Group production at the New London Theatre in Drury Lane. Not the most traditional of West End shows, but one Kynan has been wanting to go to since we arrived.
On the way there we found a fabulous fish & chip shop called the Rock & Sole. You sit outside under a fabulous old tree filled with fairy lights & hanging baskets of geraniums.
The New London Theatre is not the most impressive looking of the London theatres. Infact it is a glorious testament to the longevity & ridgidity of concrete. The inside of the theatre was lovely though. The seas were comfortable & we were in the second row. So we saw it all from close up. The show was fantastic. We had to wear a poncho so we didnt get our clothes ruined. Very difficult to explain - it involves 3 men painted blue, lots of drumming, paint, magic tricks. It was an evening of childlike fun.

On Saturday we headed off to the London Butterfly House with Gabrielle. It was a reasonably large disappointment compared to the beautiful Butterfly Santuary in Kuranda that we visited a couple of years ago. There were hundreds of ragged looking butterflies & some cool leaf cutting ants. It was a beautiful day & we sat around outside & smelt the freshly cut grass.

Sunday we went off to "Bodies...the Exhibition" at Earls Court. If you've not heard of this exhibiton, it is basically human specimens that have been treated in a a special way, leaving them plasticified. They are first preserved & then disected to show whatever part of the system that the specimen is being created to display. Basically this leaves you with a facinating exhibition of about 50 dead people in various stages of being pulled a[art. Sounds gross, but it wasn't. Infact, I struggled to think of them as anything other than really good special effects. I guess I am a product of the generation that, due to advances in technology, cant belive their eyes.
For me, the best bit was the circulatory system exhibition. The way they make the exhibition was very disturbing - filling a recently deceased persons veins upwith a type of polymer, waiting until it has hardened & then putting the body into a vat of unknown liquid which disolves the body & leaves the polymer. The result is spectacular. A beautiful, delicate map of what keeps us alive. Just breathtaking.
Monday was a cruisy day of walking around town. Also went to see Scary Movie 4. An embarassing end to a wonderful weekend, now I think of it.
Long lost Shona...
I finally found your blog! I have sent a few emails and have almost lost hope! Have they gone stray or have they been cast into the firey pits of hell with a few well chosen swear words:)
This photo makes me look pregnant too! You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
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