So, the first project to roll out off the conveyor belt is my red Klaralund. I have made this jumper twice this year & decided I would quite like one myself. Both of the others have been made from quality yarn & turned out really nicely. This next exercise saw me possesed by the tight-arsed fairy & I (against all logical judgment) chose to knit it in cheap arsed acrylic! *Gasp*

- It was cheap. Mega cheap, infact. The entire jumper cost me £4 - compared the the £60 of the others.
- It was my first experiment with on the fly waist shaping. Best that this was done on cheap yarn instead of the real deal
- I will have no guilt in giving it to a charity shop once i have lost enough weight for it to be baggy on me.
- Easy peasey knitting. No challenge in pattern or colour.
- It is cheap & nasty looking
- The yarn is made from petro-chemicals (enough said)
I am getting to the stage where I have decided I will never have enough time in my life to knit all the things I would like to. Life is too short to spend weeks working on something that you wouldn't be happy to give your friends or family as a gift. I will endeavour to make this the last plastic thing I cast on - EVER.
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